Order HEETs Green online, the blend does not burn, it is heated

Order HEETs Green online, the stick is structured as follows: tobacco and a filter that helps cool the aerosol to a comfortable inhalation temperature and retains excess moisture.

Order HEETs Green online, the tobacco in HEETS GREEN sticks is made from the same leaves as the tobacco in traditional cigarettes (it is a mixture of Virginia, Oriental and Burley varieties), but it is specially processed, crushed and compressed.

Order HEETs Green online. In IQOS, such a mixture does not burn, but emits a nicotine-containing aerosol (tobacco vapor) when being heated.

The development of the heating technology and the improvement of the product took more than 10 years of intensive work by more than 400 scientists, engineers and technicians at the PMI Research and Development Center.

After using the IQOS HEETS GREEN ZING sticks, no ash remains, which HEET means that it can be used while standing in a traffic jam in a car or sitting on a sofa at home, without fear of burning the upholstery or furniture.

In the process of use, you can do without an ashtray, because there is no ash left after heating the tobacco, but still the PMI came up with stynichts for used sticks that help users to keep clean. Well, the smoke will no longer interfere with others.

Frequent flying readers must have noticed that airports that have been completely banned from smoking still have special IQOS zones: no smoke, less odor, and IQOS tobacco vapor dissipates faster than cigarette smoke and this, most likely, will deliver less concern to others.

Right behind the tobacco, the HEETS GREEN stick has a hollow section of the filter, followed by a layer of polylactide film (this is a biopolymer made from corn starch or sugar cane). And at the very end is an acetate filter. When the filter absorbs moisture and heat from the aerosol, the biopolymer film is compacted and darkens. This is its normal reaction. The filter itself, as determined by the PMI researchers, does not emit any toxic substances into the tobacco vapor when using IQOS.

Some more interesting facts. The stick cannot be smoked like a cigarette – it is intended solely for heating. Therefore, the tobacco in a stick is wrapped in a special foil, which evenly distributes and retains heat, but does not allow the stick itself to be set on fire.