Personal experience of using the IQOS HEETs Amber sticks

In fact, IQOS HEETs Amber sticks are the strongest ones in the entire line. They are distinguished by the rich taste of tobacco. According to users, the smell itself is very strong, exceeds other brands. Sticks are also stronger than Parliament Blue. As a rule, these sticks are more suitable for those who only begin to switch from regular cigarettes to IQOS, since other tastes will seem more “chemical” to smokers.

Parliament claim that HEETs Amber sticks, at the moment, the strongest in the lineup. Very rich taste. This is an excellent choice for those who switch to the IQOS device and have smoked strong cigarettes before. By smell, after heating, they are a mixture of corn and tobacco.

That is a very nice combination to start with if you are a smoker and prefer to consume strong cigarettes.

There is nothing astounding that you wish to diversify your tobacco smoke intakes, but new options must not be very much different from the cigarettes that you got used to smoke.
IQOS HEETs Amber sticks are special roasting tobacco flavors with light woody and nutty notes, which are intended for the so-called “heavy” smokers namely.

Heavy smokers are those who do not find any special delight in the use of light cigarettes, they got used to harsh tobacco.

Tobacco taste is more important for them than any aromatic additives of cigarettes.
The things are not different in IQOS sticks.
People who want to enjoy the tobacco tastes and aromas will come to buying the IQOS HEETs Amber sticks namely.

Of course, this is not the only distinctive feature of IQOS HEETs Amber sticks. To obtain more data about them, we propose you to contact our company staff.

We are IQOS enthusiasts and work in this online store to promote the IQOS culture.
We do not only sell the IQOS items, we use them ourselves as well.
So, we give only those advices, which are based on our personal experience of using the IQOS HEETs Amber sticks.

Just contact us and we will explain in details, which advantages of IQOS HEETs Amber sticks really exist.