IQOS HEETS Amber Label is easily disassembled

IQOS HEETS Amber Label is a rich mixture of tobacco, with delicate notes of wood and nuts. The consumers enjoy it and want to secure the usage.
Many heavy smokers notice malfunctions in its operation after long-term use of the IQOS HEETS Amber Label heater. This is due to the accumulated debris inside. Of course it can be cleaned, but often it is not easy. You have to open the holder to check all the mechanisms, and most importantly, to clean the blade and the walls of the heater.

In such cases, experts recommend contacting professional services for disassembling and cleaning IQOS HEETS Amber Label devices. Of course, this is a safer and cheaper way out: to fix the old device, and not to buy a new expensive one. But now every penny counts, and users are unlikely to want to invest quite useful funds in a banal opening of the device. Can’t you do it yourself?

Of course anything is possible. If you are confident and can do everything yourself. The main thing: in order not to make mistakes, read this article, where you will learn how to properly open your IQOS HEETS Amber Label device, the battery and what is better to use it.

In principle, no special tools for disassembling the holder from Philip Morris are needed. The engineers and designers of the IQOS project have developed a very clever form and principle for disassembling the Aikos.

Describe in steps how to disassemble IQOS.
How to disassemble the IQOS HEETS Amber Label holder:
To get the heating element, it is necessary to remove the second part of the holder body. Then we see IQOS in the sleeve.
Gently and slowly push out the icos from the side of the battery. The device cannot be turned on at this moment.

The blade itself and the board are opened. We do not touch the board, we handle the blade carefully. To clean it more effectively, you should turn on the device, wait a little time and slowly remove carbon deposits from the blade.
This completes the entire opening process. Now all that remains is to assemble all the parts in reverse order, until the plastic part of the holder (cap) snaps into place.